School Accident, Injuries

Safety of pupils and staff is a priority for the Board of Management

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This policy was applies to all users of the school premises and all school related activities.


The formulation of this policy enables our school to effectively;

  • Provide for the immediate needs and requirements of students who have sustained either a serious or a minor injury
  • Ensure that adequate resources and arrangements are in place to deal with injuries/accidents as they arise
  • Ensure lines of communication with parents/guardians are in place if required
  • Activate a known plan of action with which all staff are familiar

Roles and Responsibilities:

The overall responsibility for the day-to-day management of school supervision/routines rests with the Principal and Deputy Principal. The class teacher is responsible for classroom supervision and teachers on yard duty are directly responsible for the supervision of pupils at break time.

  • The school’s Health and Safety Officer is Peter Woods.
  • The First Aid Officer is Cassie Brady.
  • The Fire Drill coordinator is Dorothy McCullough.

School Ethos:

This policy re-enforces the elements of the school mission statement which advocates providing a safe and secure learning environment for each child and ensuring a duty of care at all times when the school is in operation.


  • To ensure the physical safety and well being of all staff and pupils
  • To develop a framework of procedures whereby all injuries are dealt with in a competent and safe manner
  • To provide training for staff with the effective use of outside expertise so that children have access to proper interventions
  • To comply with all legislation relating to safety and welfare at work


Safety of pupils and staff is a priority for the Board of Management, and robust measures have been put in place to ensure no children or staff are put at risk;

  • A comprehensive school Safety Statement has been recently written, whereby all hazards are identified and remedial measures are outlined.
  • The school is fully insured under Allianz Insurance Ireland, and an additional optional 24 hour policy for children is offered to all families and administered by the Parents Council.
  • The provision of specialist first aid training for staff, on an ongoing basis, has been identified as a priority by Board of Management.
  • Each classroom teacher regularly instructs his/her class on issues relating to safety in the class/yard. Dangerous practices such as climbing goalposts, throwing stones, running very fast in play areas, engaging in “horseplay”, fighting etc. are treated with zero tolerance. Teachers on yard duty are expected to be vigilant so as to identify and correct behavior that is likely to cause an accident.
  • Currently there is at least one teacher and two adults on yard duty in both play areas at any break time.


Minor Accident/Injury

The injured party is initially looked after by the teacher on yard duty, with the help of other adults present in the yard. If deemed necessary, the class teacher will be called.

No medicines are administered, but cuts are cleaned with antiseptic wipes and/or water, and bandages/plasters are applied if deemed appropriate. The use of plastic gloves is advised at all times. Ice packs are also used, as appropriate, and each child should be given a fresh ice pack. Parents are notified if considered necessary. Parents are always notified about a bump on the head no matter how minor.

If for any reason parents/guardians do not wish their child to be treated for minor accidents/injuries, they should inform the school in writing of same. In that event they will be contacted at home or at work and asked to attend to their child should the need arise.

More Serious Accidents/Injuries

If considered safe to do so, the injured party is taken inside. Parents/guardians are immediately informed, particularly if there is a suspicion of broken bones, or head or eye injuries. The child is kept under intense observation until parents /guardians arrive, with the emphasis on making the child as comfortable and as settled as possible.

Very Serious Injuries

In the event of a very serious injury, parents/guardians are immediately contacted. If the considered opinion of the staff is that immediate professional help is required, an ambulance is called. Parents are kept informed of developing situations.


Minor Cuts

In all cases of injury it is understood that there is at least one teacher on yard duty.

  • Clean around cuts using antiseptic wipe/cloth and/or water, cleaning from the centre outwards.
  • Gloves are used at all times to reduce the risk of the spread of infection.
  • A check is carried out to locate small bodies which may be embedded in the wound.
  • Plaster, gauze or lint is placed on the wound.
  • Teacher observation is maintained.
  • Injury is reported to the relevant class teacher via note after break.
  • Children are advised to show/tell parents.


  • In the event of a sprain/bruise, the process of rest, ice, compress and elevate is implemented.
  • If in doubt, parents are contacted.
  • Teacher observation is maintained.
  • Injury is reported to the relevant class teacher via note after break.
  • Children are advised to show/tell parents.


  • Apply Sting Ease.
  • Vinegar can also be used for wasp stings.
  • Bread soda can also be used for bee stings.
  • If case is serious, parent/s are contacted.
  • Injury is reported to the relevant class teacher via note after break.
  • Children are advised to show/tell parents.

Faints and Shocks

  • Lie the casualty down.
  • Raise the legs above the level of the heart.
  • Loosen any tight clothing.
  • Ensure there is fresh air.
  • Send for the class teacher/principal.
  • Keep crowds away.
  • Reassure casualty when they recover.
  • Contact parents.
  • Record on the accident/incident report form (see appendix 1) before the end of the day, and return to the principal.

Severe Bleeding

  • Act instantly – Go, Go, Go!
  • Send for the class teacher/principal.
  • Set or lie the injured party down.
  • Press down on wound using gloves.
  • Lift (if possible) the injured part above the level of the heart.
  • Put a clean dressing over the wound and secure it firmly with a bandage.
  • If blood shows through the dressing then place another one over the first and bandage firmly.
  • Treat for shock.
  • Contact parents.
  • If very serious, ring 999/112 immediately.
  • Record on the accident/incident report form (see appendix 1) before the end of the day, and return to the principal.


  • Send for the class teacher/principal.
  • Immediately remove the child from the danger area.
  • Cool the burnt area with cold running water. If possible submerge in cold water.
  • Remove rings etc. and other tight fitting accessories.
  • Do not remove objects stuck to skin.
  • In the event of a minor burn use a special burn gauze and/or Burneze spray/water based gel.
  • Record on the accident/incident report form (see appendix 1) before the end of the day, and return to the principal.


  • Send for the class teacher/principal.
  • Ring 999/112 for medical help.
  • Place child in the recovery position.
  • Ring for the parents.
  • Check for broken bones, neck or back injury.
  • If subject is not breathing, begin artificial respiration immediately.
  • Move/keep other children away.
  • Record on the accident/incident report form (see appendix 1) before the end of the day, and return to the principal.

The First Aid Policy is based on collective teacher input. The teacher on yard duty is automatically assisted by others in the case of a serious injury.


There are three first aid boxes: one located in the main office, one in Room 9 and the other in Room 11. All staff are aware of these locations, and the contents of each box are replenished when deemed necessary by the Health and Safety Officer or the First Aid Officer.

Each first aid box contains the following: latex free gloves, antiseptic wipes, antiseptic bandages, plasters, sprays, steri-strips, cotton wool, scissors etc.

Record Keeping:

All serious accidents/injuries are recorded on an Accident/Incident Report Form and returned to the principal before the end of the day, to be then saved on file in the main office. One Accident/Incident File covers all children and adults in the school. Teachers are encouraged to keep a separate copy of accident report forms relating to injuries sustained by children in their class. The accident report form lists date and time of accident, witnesses, nature of injuries, a brief description of the circumstance of the accident, procedures followed by staff etc. (See appendix 1.) Very serious injuries will be recorded on a special Incident Report Form, and notified to the school’s insurers. (See appendix 2.)

Relevant medical information on all pupils is obtained at time of enrolment. This section asks parents to list allergies and other medical conditions their child may have.


The success of this policy is measured from set criteria;

  • Maintaining a relatively accident free school environment
  • Positive feedback from staff, parents and children
  • Continual observation of behaviour in the yard by all staff engaged in supervision duties
  • Monitoring and evaluation at staff meetings

Ratification, communication, monitoring and review:

This policy was ratified at a BOM meeting on 25th March 2019. It will be communicated to staff and the school community as appropriate, and will be subject to review every three years unless there is a compelling reason to review it earlier.

Signed by Patrick Logue (Chairperson BOM)

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