Policy for the Safe Use of Photographs and Videos

This policy was formulated in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation and Child Protection Guidelines.

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This policy applies to the use of photographs in school publicity materials, on the school website and in the press. It reflects the consensus of opinion of the Board of Management, Parents Council and Staff of Scoil Naomh Buithe.


This policy was formulated in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation and Child Protection Guidelines.

When publishing images in school publicity materials, on the school website and in the press the school must comply with the requirements of:

  • Data Protection (Amendment) Act (2003)
  • The Data Protection Act (1998)
  • Video Recordings Act (1989)
  • General Data Protection Regulations (2016)

Relationship to the School’s Ethos

Scoil Naomh Buithe seeks to help all pupils to grow and develop into healthy, confident and mature adults, capable of realising their full potential. We want our school to provide a safe, friendly, effective and stimulating educational environment where the principles of respect, truth, fairness and equality are promoted. This policy is based on respect for oneself, for others and for the world in which we live.


  1. To add colour, life and interest to articles promoting school activities and initiatives
  2. To help parents and the local community to identify and celebrate the schools’ achievements
  3. To increase pupil motivation and staff morale
  4. To promote a sense of community spirit within the school
  5. To ensure that the right to privacy of children, staff and parents is respected
  6. To ensure that all photographs published are in keeping with the school’s Child Safe Guarding Policy
  7. To ensure that all photographs published are in keeping with the Catholic ethos and philosophy of the school

Guidelines for Taking Photographs

  • Staff are permitted to take digital/video images, to support educational aims e.g. for classroom displays or projects.
  • Photographs should be stored securely and used only by those authorised to do so.
  • Staff should ensure that image files are appropriately named and will not use students’ names in image file names.
  • When taking digital/ video images teachers should ensure that the students are appropriately dressed and that they are not participating in activities that might bring the individual or the school into disrepute.
  • Students must not take, use, share or publish images of others without consent.

Guidelines for Publishing Photographs on the school website

  • The principal, on behalf of the Board, will seek the consent of parents regarding the use of pupil images on the School Website.
  • Parental consent forms will be retained by the school in the main office.
  • Parents may at any time withdraw their consent/ non consent for the use of pupil images and digital recordings in school publicity materials, on the school website and in the press. Any such request must be made in writing to the school Principal.
  • Photographs of pupils or staff should not be published on the school website after they leave the school, without their consent.
  • Pictures to be published on the school’s website, or elsewhere, which include pupils will be selected carefully and will comply with good practice guidance on image use
  • When publishing digital images/ video images on the school website teachers should be mindful of the way pupils and staff may appear. Digital Images/ video images which are likely to cause embarrassment to a pupil or staff member, now or at a future date, should not be published on the school website.
  • Pictures to be published on the school’s website should try to focus on group activities, rather than photos of individual children.
  • Personal details of any child or adult in a photograph will not be used in association with the photograph (including in the accompanying text or the photograph caption).
  • If the full name of a pupil is used in a text published on the school website, a photograph of that child will not be used to accompany the article.
  • Where photographs are taken at an event attended by a large crowd e.g. during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade or at a sporting event, this is regarded as a public area so it is not necessary to get the permission of everyone in a crowd shot before publishing the image on the school website.

Guidelines for Taking Photographs at School Events

It is up to school management to decide if they are to allow videos or photographs to be taken by parents during school events such as School Concerts or Award Ceremonies. Parents are not required to comply with the Data Protection Act when taking photographs of their children, for their own private use, at an organised event.

When hosting a school event where parents are permitted to take photographs or videos the school will;

  • Make it clear that any images taken must be for private use only
  • Inform parents that Data Protection legislation may be contravened if photographs or videos taken at a school event are placed on the internet

An announcement will be made at the start of school events to provide guidance for parents.

Guidelines for taking photographs at events hosted by a third party.

When an event is hosted by a third party, e.g. Cumann na mBunscoil (sporting events) it is up to the host to decide if they wish to allow parents to take videos or photographs at the event.

The organisers of the event should explain to parents and/or staff how images taken by the organisers are to be processed and the purpose for which they will be used. It will be the responsibility of the third party to get any necessary consent.

Images taken on behalf of the school

On occasion, official commercial video films of children may be recorded e.g. videos of school concerts. The school also occasionally arranges for a professional photographer to take class photographs and individual pupil photographs.

Where a commercial photographer is used, the following guidelines apply;

  • Commercial video films may only be recorded or professional pupil photographs taken with the permission of the school’s Board of Management.
  • Commercial photographers will be required to comply with Data Protection Legislation.
  • The school will inform parents that a commercial photographer will be in attendance in school or at an event.
  • The school will inform parents of the purpose of taking the commercial digital/ video images and how the digital/ video images will be used.
  • The school will ensure that pupils are fully supervised by a teacher at all times while the commercial/ professional photographer is present.

The Press

The use of photographs in newspapers and magazines is already subject to strict guidelines through the Code of Practice of the Press Council of Ireland.

  • Press photographers should get the permission of the school principal before approaching pupils in the school to take photographs.
  • The school will ensure that pupils are fully supervised by a teacher while a press photographer is present.
  • The Press is exempt from the Data Protection Act, but they have to consider parental wishes if they are allowed to take photographs from which a child can be identified.
  • Scoil Naomh Buithe will seek parental consent before providing names of children to accompany photographs published in newspapers and magazines.

Re-use of Images

  • Photographs or videos published on school publicity material and/or the school website may not be copied and/or re-used by staff, parents or others for any purpose other than that for which they were intended, without consent.
  • Data Protection legislation may be contravened if photographs or videos published on school publicity material and/or the school website are copied and/or re-published for any purpose other than that for which they were intended, without consent.


If parents have any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography at a school event, they should report their concerns to the school principal (or to a staff member if the principal is not present).

If a parent or child wishes to have a photograph removed from the school website, prospectus etc. at any time, they should contact the school principal.

When a press image has been captured the data controller for that image is the media concerned and not the school. Therefore, parents will need to make any objections to that organisation and not the school.

Concerns regarding a breach of Data Protection Legislation should be reported to the Data Protection Commissioner.

Ratification, communication and review

This policy was ratified at a Board of Management meeting on 13th November 2019. It will be communicated to staff by email, and also saved on the staff server, and it will be available to parents and the school community in the school on request. It will be reviewed every three years (or earlier if dictated by statutory requirements).

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